In our profession, we often come across the most unique and beautiful of creatures. Today we had the chance to meet a Polyphemus Moth caterpillar!
Polyphemus Moths, Antheraea Polyphemus, are the largest and most common in the giant silk moth family Saturniidae. These moths are native to the North Americas and can be found from southern Canada down to Mexico and in all of the United States except Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, and Nevada. The typical lifespan of these moths only lasts three short months. They spend 10 days as an egg, 5 to 6 weeks as a caterpillar, 2 weeks in as a pupa in the cocoon, and less than a week as a moth.
Polyphemus Moths lay 2- 3 eggs at a time in up to 3 different groups. These eggs are white in color with a brown ring around the edges and have a flattened oval shape. These eggs then turn into a beautiful caterpillar. (Pictured above)
The Polyphemus Moth caterpillars are some of the largest caterpillars measuring a whooping 2 - 3 inches. They are an electric green color with a reddish-brown head. On each convex segment of their body, they have 6 orange tubercles and bristles. Each abdomen segment has a slanted yellow line with spots that are brown in color. And though these caterpillars may look intimidating with their large size and bright colors, they are completely harmless. They do not bite, sting, or contain venom of any kind. These cute little silky crawlers are strictly herbivores. When transitioning into a moth, these caterpillars tend to find a fruiting tree to call home. They choose a leaf and wrap it in a thick, tough layer of silk and reside there during their transition into a moth. (These cocoons are typically dark brown and oval.)
Adult moths are large with a wingspan of 4 - 6 inches. The upper surface of the wings come in various shades of light brown, yellow-brown, reddish-brown, and greys. Each moth is completely unique in color with the exception of the large eye spots on each hind wing and the small transparent spots on the upper wings with areas of pink. The eye-like spots are ringed with prominent yellow, black, and white (partial).
These creatures have such a short time here on this planet, yet they still manage to make quite the impact. They are essential in the pollination of flowers that bloom at night, as most pollinators aren’t out at this time. These moths also play a vital role in displaying the health of our environment. Monitoring moths gives us information on changes in our environment, like air pollution, pesticides, climate change, and new farming practices.
Fun facts:
-Interestingly, adult moths do not eat or drink causing their short lifespans.
-The Polyphemus Moths get their name from the Greek mythological cyclops, Polyphemus, who had one large eye in the middle of his forehead. Likewise, the moth has a single large eye on each of its back wings.
-These moths like to play dead when startled. Rather than fleeing or climbing away, they fall to the floor and flop around.
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