My father and I were watching a recent solar eclipse, that occurred on October 14th, 2023, and noticed little crescent shapes fluttering in a tree’s shadow and we found it so mesmerizing. My father explained the phenomenon to me, and I too want to share this experience with as many people as possible!
Starting from the beginning, the first-ever solar eclipse recorded by man was dated November 30th, 3340 BCE, when the shadow of a full solar eclipse fell over County Meath, Ireland. For thousands of years, many cultures around the world have documented eclipses in different ways, the earliest accounts being drawn on stones and cave walls, while the later accounts being written on stones and scripts. There are several legends and folklore associated with solar eclipses. Many people were terrified of solar eclipses, fearing it would bring the end of the world and great evil. The main consensus across most cultures was that a giant beast ate/destroyed the sun or the sun god was either sad, angry, or sick; But the solar eclipse was not feared by all, many cultures actually romanticized it, believing the sun and moon were lovers.
So, what does this have to do with trees...? Have you ever looked at the shadows of a tree during a solar eclipse? If so, you may have noticed little crescents shining through the apertures of the leaves creating a pinhole camera of sorts (the camera obscura effect). For centuries people have used the camera obscura effect for art, as it could perfectly invert an image and could be used to trace a highly accurate representation of the image. Later it was found to be a safe and accurate way to document/study the eclipses without the risk of damaging the eyes of the scriber. So next time you happen to find yourself in a solar eclipse make sure to follow the shadows of a tree for a neat surprise.
If you missed this solar eclipse, no worries! You can experience the next total solar eclipse visible to the U.S. on April 8th, 2024 and the next total solar eclipse visible to the U.S. won’t be until August 23rd, 2044.
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